Requirement:Report on your present or previous experiences in the workplace. How best wouldyou describe how your organization learns?
I graduated fromthe South China Normal University in the subject of instructional technology.For the purpose of this subject, it wants to train the students that they areability to teach computer science in primary school, secondary school, or highschool. How to practice the teaching skills? Therefore, we lead in themicroteaching to our learning
environment. What’s the microteaching?Microteaching is a training technique whereby the teacher reviews a videotapeof the lesson after each session, in order to conduct a"post-mortem". Teachers find out what has worked, which aspects havefallen short, and what needs to be done to enhance their teaching technique.Invented in the mid-1960s at Stanford University by Dr. Dwight Allen,micro-teaching has been used with success for several decades now, as a way tohelp teachers acquire new skills.
environment. What’s the microteaching?Microteaching is a training technique whereby the teacher reviews a videotapeof the lesson after each session, in order to conduct a"post-mortem". Teachers find out what has worked, which aspects havefallen short, and what needs to be done to enhance their teaching technique.Invented in the mid-1960s at Stanford University by Dr. Dwight Allen,micro-teaching has been used with success for several decades now, as a way tohelp teachers acquire new skills.
All the studentsare separated to several learning groups. I will introduce this microteachinglearning group for undergraduate students as my target group, using the 5Pprinciples to explain the learning organization.
Personal Mastery
Personal masteryis a discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, offocusing our energies, of developing patience, and of seeing realityobjectively. In the learning organization of microteaching, each group memberdesires to improve their teaching skills including instructional design,presentation or course materials creating. With the help of other groupmembers, we can enhance these abilities we needed in future through practicemore. Generally, in the beginning of the microteaching activity, most studentswho don’t have any teaching experience always feel difficulty to teach a realcourse and have to face various problems. For instance, the process of teachingis inconsistently, the designed questions are not appropriate and it’s hard tomanage the rhythm of the course. While, actually, at the end of the practiceactivity most of them performed well in a real class. All of us feel excitingfor increasing teaching abilities together with our group members.
Mental Models
Mental models aredeeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures of images thatinfluence how we understand the world and how we take action. So, mental modelmay place an important role in microteaching activity for a learningorganization. Obviously, we cannot provide a real teaching environment to ourgroup members. For solving this problem, we try to pretend the target studentswith the suitable background knowledge and cognitive level, therefore, theteaching process will be more similar to the real class and the interactionbetween teacher and students is more reasonable. Because of the specialteaching environment, students grasp essential teaching skills moreeffectively,.
Shared Version
Building sharedvision a practice of unearthing shared pictures of the future that fostergenuine commitment and enrollment rather than compliance. In microteachinglearning organization, they needn’t compete with other members and corporationis more important. Unlike the competitive relationship, the cooperativerelationship requires members to emphasize the shared resources. All ofmaterials including teaching plan, courseware or other types of teachingresources are recommended to share and to be amended by whole group members
Team Learning
Team learningstarts with dialogue, the capacity of members of a team to suspend assumptionsand enter into genuine thinking together. In the process of microteachingpractice, members of this learning organization can easily get suggestions fromothers.
System Thinking
Systems thinking–The Fifth Discipline that integrates the other 4. In a microteaching learningorganization, students not only consider the self-development, but also paymore attention to contribute to the whole group. Due to shared principle, ifevery member can provide the teaching resources to share to others, the wholegroup members can possess lots of teaching resources in different teachingcontents, which will be useful after graduation.
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