Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Resource 19 Social Media Has Evolved Into the Art All Become of Storytelling, And We Must Masters of It

To understand how this concept can be applied, it’s useful to look at the evolution of storytelling and the role in which it’s played throughout different societies, as well as the media employed to communicate the story. Storytelling is often thought to have originated in Mesopotamia, where shamans would tell stories orally as a means of teaching and entertaining communities.

This paper gives us some detailed information regarding
1.The history of storytelling? 
2.How this applies to social medias?
3.Our story must looks beautiful?
4.Why our story must have talkability?
5.Why our story must be living?

Web address: Social Media Has Evolved Into The Art Of Storytelling, And We Must All Become Masters Of It.

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