Requirement: Identify a model of change to help explain change within an organization you have experienced.
21st Century Learner

The 21st century learning skills:
Ø Inventive Thinking
i. Critical thinking: thinking and sound reasoning, students can adopt a cognitive process of analysis in problem solving
iii. Accountability & Adaptability: students can change their attitudes and behaviors to catch up the current environment. Student will be given multiple tasks and goals with diverse methodology and resources to choose, which depend on individual character.
iv. Self-directed learning: student-center model will promote students managing their learning in a more independent way. Students can acquire learning resource due to their own experience, goal and achievement.
Ø Digital-Age Literacy:
i. Information & Media literacy: media mass information requires learners able to evaluate valuable resource across a range of literacy.
Ø Effective Communication:
i. Communication: students need to exchange ideas and share experience through technical tools in order to expand the possibility of question solving.
ii. Social responsibility: information technology applied in education gives students more opportunities to realize the public comments, and also requires students more responsible to society, environment and democratic ideas.
iii. Collaboration: students can work more collaborative and interactive. Based on innovative technology, students will be given a more cooperative teamwork without the consideration of distance.
Ø High Productivity:
i. Problem solving: in digital age, solution is powered by technology, fueled by information, and driven by knowledge.
Roger (1995) cited that innovation decision process suffered five distinct stages: knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation and confirmation. This picture can also describe the 21st century leaner processing in school organizations.
Compared with the standards of 21st century learner I explained before, my school has rest on the stage between persuasion and decision. Some technical facilities were established in school campus but still need strength the backstage service security and instructional adoption. The older teaching system and historical culture are the most barriers to innovative pedagogy. Innovation-based disciplines are prepared by school leadership in order to give a policy protection during the process of practice.
ReplyDeletei like the 21st C learner profile as it it skills based. I think that nay learning organisation must look at the skills required for the furtre and then test their change model against it's ability to build those skills. Too much change is brought about a want/need to move away from what currently exists, but your 21st C profiles can help reverse that process - it should serve to guide change to where it needs to go - thus avoiding the 'Anywhere but here' approach to change in an organisation.