Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Resource 21

We had classes about scenario planning for an organization or a company, but do you know that scenario planning can also be applied to personal career development? Here is a simple guidance on how to do personal scenario planning:

Session 7 Neo (Hao Qiang)

The scenario planning for NOG

According to GBN, scenario planning has five basic steps:
Stage 1: determine a focal issue or critical decision to ‘anchor’ the process.

Stage 2: identify and analyze the internal and external driving forces after the decision (these drivers are usually categorized into ‘predetermined elements’, those which we have a good idea about how they will play out over time – for example, demographics, and ‘critical uncertainties’, those which we have no real understanding of how they will develop into the future).

Session 7 ELEVEN

Develop ideas of where you could incorporate the use of Scenario Planning in your organization.

To a TV station, how to make programs more attractive is always the focal issue.
We judge whether a program is attractive from diverse aspects such as, the depth of content, the degree of  recreation & innovation, the quality of host (especially that for entertainment program, must think quickly and got sense of humorous), etc.

Session 7 Nebula

Develop ideas of where you could incorporate the use of Scenario Planning in your organization.

To establish an innovative learning organization of high schools in Mainland China, it requires more support from government, school leadership, teacher, students and parents. Based on the analysis of change, professional development and assessment of my target organization—my university, many places need to improve actually. So to consider the scenario planning to my university, I would like to develop my process in following steps: