Friday, March 2, 2012

Session 6 Junyan

Like many organizations, Guangdong museum provides a series of training in order to improve the working ability of new staffs. I still remember the first lesson, how to work in the museum, gave by a famous professor, Dr. Liu.

Dr. Liu is an experienced researcher in the Chinese ancient paintings and Chinese ceramics. He had retired many years ago, and nowadays he spent much time to visit the museums located in different countries in the world. He told us that, at the beginning of his carrier he knew nothing. He was hired by the museum for guarding the storage. Maybe it’s a not welcomed job in that time, while he didn’t think so. He said it was a good opportunity for learning basic knowledge regarding the culture relics collected by the museum. He found he was so interested in these kind of things that he used the free time out of work to learn much from the relatively books. As a proverb said, interesting is the best teacher for learning. He cost many years to complete the role changed form a janitor to a researcher though continuously learning. 

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